Suicidal Thoughts

Originally posted April 2, 2023
Updated occasionally

Lithium, vitamin D, folate, having high cholesterol, omega 3's, all help lower suicide risk. Abram Hoffer also discovered niacin (b3) reduced suicides to zero (in 242 schizophrenics) when 9 patients died in the group that didn't take niacin.
See drive (other folder, suicide)

Coffee consumption lowers suicide risk by 45% (perhaps depressed people just don't feel like making a cup of joe though)

Night time light exposure is linked to mental illness (1.3x increased risk for depression in most exposed quartile vs. least exposed (1.27x self harm, 1.23x anxiety, 1.34x PTSD, 1.21x psychosis)) and daytime light exposure is preventative (0.81x risk of depression in most exposed quartile vs. least exposed (0.76x self harm, 0.82x PTSD, 0.69x psychosis, 0.96x anxiety (not statistically significant))
(also see drive mercola night time)

Semen has antidepressant (30% reduction) and anti-suicide effects on women (3x reduction in attempted suicide).
(See drive depression folder)

Also see depression entry
