Overcoming Depression

*Updated occasionally

Originally published Oct. 15, 2021

See drive for more data context and powerpoints:

The efficacy of exercise relative to psychotropic medication has also been investigated. Blumenthal and colleagues26 randomly assigned 156 moderately depressed men and women to an exercise, medication, or exercise and medication group. Those in the exercise group walked or jogged on a treadmill at 70% to 85% of heart rate reserve for 30 minutes 3 times per week for 16 weeks. Those in the medication group received sertraline, and a psychiatrist evaluated medication efficacy, assessed side effects, and adjusted dosages accordingly at 2, 6, 10, 14, and 16 weeks. Those in the combination group received both medication and exercise prescription according to the procedures described previously. Results showed that while medication worked more quickly to reduce symptoms of depression, there were no significant differences among treatment groups at 16 weeks (HAM-D: F = 0.96, df = 2,153; p = .39; BDI: F = 0.90, df = 2,153; p = .40). The percentage of patients in remission from their depression at 16 weeks did not differ among groups (60.4% [exercise] vs. 68.8% [medication] vs. 65.5% [combination], p = .67). Therefore, exercise was as effective as medication for reducing symptoms of depression in that sample. Interestingly, 10-month follow-up of those participants revealed that exercise group members (70%) had significantly (p = .028) lower rates of depression than those in the medication (48%) or the combination groups (54%).27 Finally, at 10 months, regular exercise involvement was a significant predictor of lower rates of depression (OR = 0.49, CI = 0.32 to 0.74, p < .01).26
Higher intensity more effective than low intensity
Meta review
Dance more effective than jogging, SSRI much less effective than jogging

Magnesium is very effective in treating depression, with as high as 88% effectiveness, another study had similar to antidepressant. 50% of adults are deficient in magnesium.
Magnesium biglycinate doesn't cross the blood brain barrier (magnesium citrate does, so does magnesium L-threonate) (magnesium biglycinate might help by providing magnesium for the body which frees up magnesium from other foods to travel to the brain potentially)
30% of depression in the USA is caused by lack of magnesium

Light therapy in those without season affective disorder: (26 was the average starting depression level in the MADRS score) 44% of light therapy recipients were in remission at the 6 wk mark versus 19.4% Prozac (fluoxetine), 30% placebo, 58.6% combination (light and antidepressant) 
Those who get the most sun live 0.6 to 2.1 years longer than those who get the least (didn't include occupational sun exposure, sporting sun exposure) (27% more malignant melanoma, 4x less likely to die if you get it (most exposed sun group vs. least exposed group)) (swedish study (sun exposure could be more poignant in the tropics (especially if light skinned))
Sun exposure protects against cancer (more detailed sun history taken) (halves risk of dying from cancer) (study in connecticut (USA northern state))
(Most sunscreens are unhealthy) (if a sunburn causes your skin to peel it is a sign you got too much sun (a tan is fine)) (tanning salons possibly unhealthy though(?)). However sun exposure does make your skin look older, with black people on average looking 10 to 20 years younger than white people of a similar age.
(Mild excersize results in a 5 to 8 year younger looking appearance, smoking increases appeared age by 10 years (mid to later life studies)) 
70% of the US population is deficient in vitamin D
*Not a definitive examination of cancer and tanning* 

Sauna 50% reduction reduction in depression symptoms (A HOT bath has a similar effect as a sauna, (hot shower maybe too))
Researchers tracked the health of more than 2,300 men in Finland for about 20 years. The men who used a sauna four to seven times each week had a 66 percent lower chance of developing dementia than men who used a sauna just once a week (64-68). 
Increases myelin
Increases BDNF
Reduces anxiety
Helps deep sleep
Like excersize in some ways

Low folate leads to a 3x risk of depression
After adding folate suicide ideation decreased by 40% and feeling of depression decreased by 36%
Methyfolate decreased symptoms by 72% in another 6wk study (over 60’s) and by 47% in another 4wk study, in another study it was found to be more effective than an antidepressant
In treatment resistant depression 19% achieved remission using folic acid plus SSRI, using methylfolate plus SSRI in another study 32.3% achieved remission versus 14.6% placebo plus SSRI
(see drive depression folate)

Curcumin just as effective as antidepressant (probably because of anti-inflammatory properties)
(see drive depression folder curcumin)

A Mediterranean diet is associated with less depression
4% med had depression versus 11.2% non-med 
31% improvement in another meta-analysis

Probiotic yogurt (or even more effective the probiotic capsule) reduced stress anxiety and depression by the following amounts:
Conventional yogurt: 24% reduction in six weeks
Probiotic yogurt: 44% reduction
Probiotic capsule: 50% reduction
In this study, the probiotic yogurt contained two strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5 and Bifidobacterium lactis BB12 with a total of min 1 × 107 CFU. The conventional yogurt contained the starter cultures of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Both yogurts’ PH was in the range of 4.3–4.5 and their fat content was 2.5%. The multispecies probiotic capsule contained seven probiotic bacteria spices Actobacillus casei 3 × 103 , L. acidophilus 3 × 107, L. rhamnosus 7 × 109, L. bulgaricus 5 × 108, Bifidobacterium breve 2 × 1010, B. longum 1 × 109, S. thermophilus 3 × 108 CFU/g, and 100 mg fructo-oligosaccharide with lactose as carrier substances. 
(see drive other)

Low creatine intake can double your risk for depression (32% average effect size) (women have slightly higher effect size, young people have slightly higher effect size)
Vitamin D levels below 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) had an 85% increased risk of depression compared to those with a level greater than 30 ng/mL
Supplementing vitamin D led to large improvements (about a 28% reduction):
Low vitamin D was found in 58% of suicidal patients which increased pro inflammatory cytokines 

Fish oil 50% reduction in depression (cod liver oil is likely best as it has powerful natural antioxidants (get the pills as they stay fresh longer and better; and spoiled cod liver oil or fish oil has the opposite effect on your system as fresh stuff causing brain inflammation instead of reducing it)). Fish oil does reduce suicide (see my suicide article)
41% percent reduction in depressed patients in a meta analysis 
(See drive depression folder meta analysis fish oil)
31% reduction in a finnish study for those who ate more fish compared to those who ate less (small correlation for man large for women)
Gluten (see link)
Blood sugar (see link)

S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)
As effective as an antidepressant
Less side effects
(see drive SAMe depression)

Keto reduces symptoms by 70% in persistent severe depression. (See google drive "Depression info" folder)
Psychotropic medications was reduced in 18 of the 28 subjects (64%)
53% reduction in depression symptoms, 24% anxiety

Carnivore helps a lot too
48% resolved, 48% improved, 4% unchanged (for ALL mental illnesses not depression specific (in cited study))
(See google drive)

Food or environmental allergies can cause depression 
(need sources)

Mould can cause depression
See mould entry: 

Electroacupuncture fixes depression better than an SSRI (with less side effects)

Over 200 pharmaceutical drugs cause depression as a side effect, the more of these drugs you take the greater your risk for depression
See drive (depression folder: 200)

46% reduction in depression from Isha Kriya meditation (44% decrease in anxiety)

SSRI (NO, I wouldn't use) 
Antidepressant medications is unhealthy and likely COUNTER effective long term (though it does provide benefits short term). It is also hard to get off antidepressants due to the bodies habituation to them and rebound issues.
56% of people taking SSRI's experience withdrawal effects when stopping (46% experienced severe withdrawal) (tips for getting off antidepressants are linked at the bottom of the article)
SSRI's cause flat emotional effect and impotency
And many other issues
Antidepressants were only more effective than placebo in 51% of trials
Without antidepressants: About 20 to 40 out of 100 people who took a placebo noticed an improvement in their symptoms within six to eight weeks. (NIH)
- With antidepressants: About 40 to 60 out of 100 people who took an antidepressant noticed an improvement in their symptoms within six to eight weeks.
Similar to SSRI (I'd rather not use?)
St. John's wort  (maybe)
5htp (decent) (ems from peak x, but likely just a scare tactic, can't find any reports of recent adverse reactions)
Triptophan (similar to above)

Low emotional intelligence was associated with a 2x risk for moderate to severe depression (24% vs 12% risk) and a 28% increase to moderate to severe anxiety (41.3% vs 29.8%). (Indian high school students: 68% girls, 38% guys)

Psychological Shifts --- that help depression
Meaningful goals
Meaningful social connections
Overcoming childhood trauma
Imagining a positive future
Being valued by society
Connections with nature

A sense of freedom is very important for happiness
Owning your home
** Tangent
Married people are happier (women 19% decreased risk of depression overall (USA 1986), 42% decrease young men (pakistan), young women 3% increased risk of depression (pakistan), single mothers at 2.35x increased risk for depression (europe)) (women had zero loss in happiness being a housekeeper, while men had some loss (couldn't figure out effect size (europe))). 
Old people who were not currently married had an increased risk of depression 6.63x men 3.50x women, 3 or more chronic illnesses 5.99x men 3.31x women, no friends 4.23x men & women, no children 3.71x women 1.76x men, without seeing grandchildren 4.76x women 1.18x men, poor economic status 2.52x women 1.23x men, no outings 2.26x women 1x men. (age 60+, greece)
Married people have less mental illness generally (men 3.13x less, women 1.74x less (meta analysis)) (another study: men 2.7x less, women 2.1x less (more of a focus on mania))
Married people 3x wealthier, earn 33% more (man only, no difference for women's earnings) (only a 7% difference when correcting for age, education, work experience, number of children (men usually work longer hours in response to having a child, whereas women usually work less (nurturer/provider role)), (women like being with men who earn more than them, men like being with women who earn less than them (7% men, 14% women, this effect size is perhaps not low, but moderate in size) In the study men and women also seem to be happier when one partner stays home (~10%) with women being slightly happier when one partner stays home, which may indicate that direct competitive comparison in wages causes the disagreeableness of unequal earnings (austrailia), another study had dual earning couples happier (also religious couples, couples with children, less happy with cohabitation or previous marriages) (europe), 9% got divorced when the men earned more in another study vs. 12.2% when the women earned more (a 26% difference) (israel), men were 11% more likely to use ED medication (denmark study), poor people were at increased risk of divorce 2.19x (top third vs. bottom third) therefore women's earnings may also act to offset divorce risk. Even though level of income may be of less import, having the ability to earn any income for work done is highly valued by a large majority of women (when looking for a long term mate). there are also efficiencies for life in sharing, 50% reduced risk of death for married men and women in a given year (example 40% risk, reduced to 20% in a given year (you don't live 2x as long), sexual activity (in the unchaste; and in committed partners) also has a number of benefits including reduced: stress, depression, anxiety, menstruation problems and bladder issues in women, prostate cancer (0.82x), breast cancer (0.33x), improved sleep, stronger immune systems (1.30x), less pain, younger appearance, improved cognition, pair bonding, and a decreased risk of death in men (0.58x) and women (0.51x) (actually ~0.085 better (0.495x, 0.425x), etc... 
https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12603 (see drive other folder dating mismatch)
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2015.08.041 (see drive other folder mating preferences income)
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsxm.2020.05.028 (see drive other folder sex and risk of death)
Do note: that masturbation doesn't act nearly as well to improve health (effect size?) (casual sex also does not seem to help as much (15% reduction in mortality vs. a 63% reduction in partnered people))
~Sexual health tangent~ (omit this (put on separate site if you google sexual health issues): change to general health benefits of weight loss, bp management, exercise, an apple a day, red wine, chocolate, mediterranean diet)
In women (average age 44.7, 78% menopausal) BMI was associated with 51% of the female sexual function index (FSFI) followed by age which was associated with 17% of the index (the two variables accounted for 68% combined (with BMI 4x as important as age)) (normal BMI was associated with a 23% higher FSFI compared to an high BMI (in those with low FSFI (below 23), however BMI did not effect the FSFI score in those without female sexual dysfunction (an FSFI score over 23)). Glucose levels, cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides were correlated. Waist-to-hip ratio was not. None of the variables measured were associated with FSFI for those without female sexual dysfunction
(Also see drive other folder)  
In women (average age 50.4, 100% postmenopausal) Body weight was 9.28x as important as age for determining sexual interest (note all the women were "old" in the study), and 7.76x as important as testosterone levels (the second most important variable in the study) (my math could be poor here as I had trouble working with β), estrodial hormone levels had a significant correlation with weight in this study, there was more of an effect of BMI on sexual interest for those who had menopause before age 49 than after (36% higher effect before 49 vs. after), (60% of women reported no loss of interest in sex since their last menstruation, 14% slight decrease, 14% moderate decrease, 11% severe decrease) 
Although postmenopausal women will often lose the ability to have pain free sex if they cease having sex for a lengthy period, men grow impotent with age also.
(Also see drive other folder)
Pelvic floor training helps, with an average increase of 7.67 points in the FSFI score (~32% improvement)
A study with 6,000 participants showed exercise improved sexual function (23% men, 30% women) (various ages) (all were physically active people and fairly healthy) (47 to 73 metabolic-hours of exercise a week seemed to be most effective (8 to 10 met-hours an hour bicycling (moderate to high intensity), 23 for sprinting, 7 for jogging, 2.5 to 4.5 for walking (depending on the pace), 5 to 11.3 for dancing, 3.3 for cleaning, 6 for cutting grass, 3 to 4.5 for standing tasks (light effort to moderate/heavy tasks) (NOTE: they didn't add non-exercise focused met-hours such as walking or cleaning or standing (they included time spent bicycling, running and swimming only) for calculating the 47 to 73 met-hours they found had the highest effect) (best exercise study)
(See drive other folder)
Exercise wasn't correlated with sexual function in another small study (32 postmenopausal women)
A older meta analysis presumed exercise would help
(See drive other folder)  
Hypertension increased sexual dysfunction by 12% (untreated, or 18% if using beta blockers or calcium channel blockers or diuretics (but not angiotensin receptor blockers or clonidine (which had a positive effect), or alpha-blockers (no effect))
(Also see HealthLine and LifeExtension for natural ways of reducing bp)
Also an apple a day improved sexual function (14% improvement) in women aged 18 to 43, another study showed improvements from a glass or two of red wine a day (11% improvement) for women aged 18 to 50 (also see alcohol entry below) another study showed improvements from a mediterranean diet (24.5% improvement) (FSFI score in that study was correlated 38% with BMI, 20% with diet, 12% with c-reactive protein (a measure of inflammation (also associated with heart disease)) (average age 42), chocolate was somewhat effective (9%) (med than apple than red wine than chocolate (NOTE: the mediterranean study was with women who had metabolic syndrome and sexual dysfunction at the start of the study (a lower starting score))
(see drive other folder sex) (need second studies?)
(also see other folder red wine longevity)
(Condom use was associated with a 2% improvement, having a previous pregnancy was associated with a 1.85% improvement (not statistically significant), frequency of sex was associated with a 1.4% improvement, physical activity was associated with a 0.41% improvement (likely due to exercise amounts being under 4.5hrs a week which yield little benefit? (in this domain) (study is not clear on this point, I would suspect small amounts of exercise would lead to moderate improvements especially in those suffering from sexual dysfunction)) (from the apple study)
(This (somewhat poorly done) small study tested exercise on those with dysfunction (all participants were also on antidepressants) (8% improvement, 30 minutes x3 a week vigorous exercise), but there was a loss of function of 6.85% in those without dysfunction who exercised which didn't seem logical (likely caused by small sample size). Additionally they asked participants to increase sexual activity to 3 times a week from 1.43, this led to a 6.5% increase to sexual function, than exercise was added after, adding an additional 1.5% improvement (in those with dysfunction (those without dysfunction had a negative outcome in this study)) (52 participants, with only 14 without dysfunction)
Vitamin D helps in those with both low vitamin D and sexual dysfunction (32% improvement (8% improvement in those who only have low vitamin D))
Psychological interventions have about a 23% effect (on those with dysfunction)
Acupuncture also helps sexual function (for whatever reason) (more so in men) (Study with SSRI induced dysfunction (SSRI's cause sexual dysfunction in 40 to 90% of people taking them)) (5% improvement after 12 weekly sessions and an additional 8% improvement one month after treatment stopped (in women)) (12% and an additional 15% one month later (in men)) (need second study)
Independents in the USA are 22% more likely to have sex weekly, republicans are 11% more likely to have sex weekly (both compared to democrats)
https://ifstudies.org/blog/sex-in-red-and-blue-america (need second studies)
Men on average think about sex, and masturbate, 2x more than women
~many other things likely help too~
Regular church attendance decreases divorce odds (1.78x women, 1.15x men) (and other antisocial behaviours (much bigger effects in women than men (depression 3.56x lower (men 20% higher), heavy drinking 4.67x lower (men 12% higher), 3x less illegal drug use, volunteer more often, less crime (adolescents who attend church weekly are 0.454x less likely to be arrested), better grades at school, healthier and happier, 7 years average increase to lifespan (LDS church attendance), (LDS men had a greater reduction in risk of death than women; other denomination had proportionally greater reductions in women, albeit a lesser reduction overall (I generally prefer community run churches to those with a pastor, but not always) (Christian than Muslim than Hindu in terms of life expectancy in one study)
I believe the most significant predictor of divorce is if spouses don't lean into each other when something didn't go well instead pulling apart from the other (?) (https://youtu.be/wDisYcdEjcQ?si=PojTDH-Y4Jwqxl9W) (need to look-up more info (lost original video))
Cohabitation (with previous men, and much less so with future husband) can be a risk factor for increased odds of divorce (2.5x, 1.68x other study), virgins (men and women) have substantially lower divorce rates (2.14x (women, men?)), a higher number of previous sexual partners can lower marital satisfaction (slightly more so in men (11% relative difference 0 to 1 men (8% r d women 0 to 1)) (largest drop from 0 to 1 previous sex partners than slower decline for subsequent partners. Partnered people still healthier and happier than unpartnered people even with many previous partners (I presume). Although those who have made vows of celibacy in monasteries and convents live longer than married devout christians do. Men are also generally more happy with marriage than women across the board (9% difference). I think having less partners may make couples happier because it makes people think their experience with their partner is a true and unique experience, whereas if you've had more partners you might realize love is more interchangeable. (women initiate 70% of divorces (college educated initiate at 90%)) (only 10% of people were virgins in 1965 (lost link (web search?)). 1995 study had 18% virgins (women only study) (of the 82% of women who had premarital sex 55% had it with someone other than their future husband, 40% cohabited prior to marriage 31% with their future husband 8% with someone else (25% of women who have had sex have only had 1 partner in their lifetime (another study had 40% of married people only had 1 sexual partner in their life))
Another study of men and women had ~18% virgins 1960 (9% 1968) then less till 1993 (6%) then moving slightly in the other direction in 2003 (8%) (study endpoint) (no gender differences) (premarital sex included sex with future husband in these studies) (The Pill introduced in 1960) (internet pornography potential factor, or more likely just the internet and at home isolation more generally—instead of being more prosocial in the community) (not the result of any moralist revival movement (which was generally absent))
In 1972: 36% of people thought premarital sex was always wrong (74% thought homosexual sex was always wrong). In 1998: 29% thought premarital sex was always wrong (59% thought homosexual sex was always wrong) (65% thought teen sex was always wrong (1986 to 1998)). 77% thought extramarital sex was always wrong (1972 to 1998) (USA study)
Abortion causes a 1.55x increase to mental health problems, 2.56x increase to drug dependencies, 2.19x increase to alcohol dependence, 27% increase to depression, 2.07x increase to suicide ideation. (compared to taking baby to term) (women 25 and under)
However risk of death might go up if you have a teen birth versus a teen abortion (39% increased risk of death (0.722% (abortion) to 1.178% (live birth) (no pregnancy ~0.361% (perhaps slightly higher)) risk of death (over a 19 years period), 44% reduction in relative increased risk of death between 18 to 19 year olds versus 12 to 15 year olds)
https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.1833 (numbers in study didn't add up correctly)
Children living with both biological parents are 5x less likely to commit suicide
29% of children in canada were physically or sexual abused under the age of 15 (26% physically, 8% sexually) (physical abuse is 3x worse in terms of negative life outcomes than sexual abuse) (those living out of poverty, those with biological parents, and those with a sibling (sexual abuse) were less likely to be subjects of abuse (sexual abuse is also 5x less likely in those who attend church—hypothesis)) (mental disease risk 2.5x worse in abused children, illegal drug use 1.66x worse, 1.55x increased risk of poor physical health, 2.5x increased risk of homelessness, similar marital & income & education & achievement in abused children vs. the non-abused) (note: that physical and sexual abuse are not the only types of childhood abuse (and not even necessarily the worst types of abuse either, depending on the degree of abuse)) (another source had 26.5% suffering sexual abuse (link?) (likely more accurate than the stats canada link))
Men who are married are 35% less likely to engage in criminal activity (1940 to 1965 data) (36% reduction in a population wide study of norwegians (1999 married)), another study had greater effects in men married before 25 than after (1970's married) (perhaps not pertinent). 
Married people are less likely to be victims of crime (2.34x less likely to be a victim of violent crime compared to single people (2022 USA numbers)) (look for stats for non-violent crimes (?)) 
Mixed race children have a 48% increased risk for serious mental illnesses
82% of young men want to get married, 84% of young women want to get married (young women slightly earlier than young men, partially explaining an average age gap of 2 years in marriages)
93% of women prefer a man to approach her, 6% of women prefer to ask a man out, 83% of men prefer to ask out a women, 16% of men prefer to be asked out
Men who want to be perceived as polite are currently told its rude to initiate a conversation with a women (try to say something about yourself that's interesting that says something about your personality and engages people), (most women likely aren't that interested in you)
(Women traditionally do one of three things: reject you, string you along (to see if you'd make a good husband, or a better husband than her other suitors), go on a date with you) 
People think (according to a pew research poll) that the following traits are most attractive for a woman: beauty (35% say this), empathy/nurturing/kindness (30%), intelligence (20%)
Beauty can be intimidating while personality generally puts people at ease. Hints glimmers and glimpses are often more seductive than in-your-face sex appeal ( (which can be distracting, while beauty can bring joy), and most men have a job to do and a family to take care of), women generally police other women's overly sexual displays. Elegant dressing can indicate mate-value more than other types of beauty, a more natural look can be more appealing to men, most men find tattoos unattractive on women (14% (this number was self perception)) (but many women find moderate amounts of ink on men slightly attractive (1%), but also less suitable as fathers (2%) men view other men with tatoos negitively however (3%)) (need second study), (?)
Showing less skin is often (but certainly not always) more attractive than showing more
Women prefer good hard working intelligent successful men
Masculinity is a super power, femininity is also a superpower, (some of the time people are neither though, or a mix of the two)
Personality compatibility is hugely important too
Arranged marriages have a much lower rate of divorce (10x (4% vs 40 - 55%) (predominate form of marriage in the west from 4 million BC till 1750 (1200's spouses got right to refusal) (before 4 million promiscuous mating), arranged marriages still practiced in India) (though non-marital relations were also frequent (sometimes with severe consequences))
The old rules of no living together before marriage, and no sex before marriage, asking the fathers permission to marry, would likely lead to better outcomes and more marriages. Arranged marriages, and likely betrothal (though less optimally than arranged marriages) would likely also improve societal outcomes (but are perhaps less realistic to implement (though parents can be parents)), of course many daters today are older in which case the old rules don't really apply.   Young people have a tendency to fall in love at the drop of a hat, this is likely why arranged marriages work better (as someone with more maturity knows better what will lead to a lasting compatible relationship), arranged marriages also have input from the participants in confirming whether they think it will work out or not. Marriage ages have been pushed back so perhaps it isn't realistic for no sex before marriage. Although I don't particularly see an issue with younger marriages (some stats do tend to indicate that the best time to marry is late 20's). The drive to get into a relationship is however admirable, although sometimes a difficult task.
Shotgun marriages would also help for the most part
Employed people are happier than unemployed (retired people are the happiest) (but old people use antidepressants more?)
Higher income 1.06x happier (62% of people earning 15,000 USD were happy versus 66% earning 450,000 USD a year) (1.06x difference) 
(*Note that happiness seemed to continue to go up by a similar amount every time earnings doubled (not linear increase but logarithmic increase) (*No peak...))
(Perhaps you've met a happy poor person, or seen a sad rich person)
A globe and mail survey had a 1.37x difference in happiness (1.18x physical health) between those earning less than 50,000 CAD and those earning more than 150,000 CAD, 1.22x for being in a relationship, 1.22x being employed versus unemployed (1.18x being retired versus employed). In terms of life satisfaction those owning their own home were 1.32x more satisfied, 1.60x difference in satisfaction (1.44x physical health) between those having less than 25,000 CAD invested versus those having more than 250,000 CAD invested.
When looking at UNhappiness instead of happiness, 8% of people earning less than 50,000 CAD were unhappy versus 4% earning more than 150,000 CAD (2.0x), 6% of females were unhappy versus 5% of males. 5% of employed vs. 9% unemployed vs. 2% retired. 4% in a relationship vs. 7% not. When looking at those DISsatisfied instead of satisfied: Renters 8%, home owners 4%. 10% of people with an income of less than 50,000 CAD were dissatisfied, 4% with an income of more than 150,000 CAD were dissatisfied. Less than 25,000 CAD in savings 12%, with savings of more than 250,000 CAD 2%. Not a parent 7%, parent with young kids at home 6%, parent with kids over 18 3% dissatisfied.
Christians are happier (and likely other religious people)
Conservatives are happier
Healthier people are happier
Sleep is important
Porn use can be detrimental to one's health (1.48x depression in women (1.25x men), 1.18x anxiety in women (1.12x men), 1.25x stress in women (1.11x men)) porn abstinence increases self control by 80% (30% absolute difference better than food abstinence)
Partnered sex has the opposite affect reducing depression, anxiety, and stress
Masturbation also decreases satisfaction with life while in a relationship (more so in men than women), while oral and vaginal sex increase satisfaction

EFT (emotional freedom technique) helps depression 10% (see drive other folder) or 35% (see drive)

Occasional, and those consuming up to 12 glasses of wine a week, was associated with a 43% lower rate of depression (~likely also beer, spirits, (to a lesser degree?) (82% of alcohol consumed was wine in the study)); over 21 drinks a week associated with increased depression (men and women aged 55 to 80)), 7 or less drinks a week (compared to non-drinkers) reduces all cause mortality (8% to 20% depending on the study, heavy drinking (more than 7 drinks a week women, more than 14 drinks a week men) associated with 1.27x increased risk of death, binge drinking once a week or more associated with 1.52x increased risk of death, binge drinking less than once a month 1.08x increased risk of death
(also see other folder red wine longevity)

Dark chocolate (85%) decreases negative moods by 18% (85% chocolate or higher recommended), 75% chocolate had a 9% affect
Microbiome has large impact on depression
Different ethnic groups respond differently to different bacteria? They also have different bacteria
Viome may help: https://beta.viome.com/ microbiome analysis. IBS, depression, anxiety, type 2 diabetes, brain fog, low energy fatigue, poor sleep. 70% had noticeable results of small to medium size. In the case of depression it was a 36% to 18% to 21% in severe, moderate, mild depression. When following their suggested meal plan, probiotics, and supplements after having the microbiome tested.

Low levels of cholesterol are associated with significantly greater levels of suicide.

Inflammation and depression

Post menopausal women who had high amounts of visceral fat were 27% more likely to have depression (losing weight may cure depression)
(See drive depression folder mercola)

Laughing gas

Soaking your feet in hot water has been shown to help (40% reduction in depression and 25% reduction in body pains (in women who suffer depression and body pain).

Semen has antidepressant (30% reduction) and anti-suicide effects on women (3x reduction in attempted suicide).
(See drive depression folder)

Fixed depression in 3 out of 3 people in one study (see drive)

Night time light exposure is linked to mental illness (1.3x increased risk for depression in most exposed quartile vs. least exposed (1.27x self harm, 1.23x anxiety, 1.34x PTSD, 1.21x psychosis)) and daytime light exposure is preventative (0.81x risk of depression in most exposed quartile vs. least exposed (0.76x self harm, 0.82x PTSD, 0.69x psychosis, 0.96x anxiety (not statistically significant))
(also see drive mercola night time)

Gardeners had a 1.47x increase to wellbeing (more positivity, less negativity) versus non-gardeners, and were 1.31x healthier (benefits were ~2x as high in sick people than healthy (1.61x increase, versus 1.32x (health plus wellbeing variable) (more mood focused studies than health focused studies) (meta-analysis)
**Need to look at more gardening studies as some studies showed decreases in happiness for young people but large increases for old people (more old people studies were in the meta-analysis)
https://doi.org/10.1186/1476-069X-9-74 (link from meta-analysis study)
Depressed female students (average age 20.6) saw large benefits however (2.06x lower depression rate after gardening) (moderate to very severe depression, 3 hours a week, ploughing, seeding, watering and harvesting for two months) (horticultural therapy)
https://doi.org/10.30476/jrsr.2015.41066 (link from meta-analysis study)

Saffron seems to treat depression according to healthline (just as well as an antidepressant) (they recommend threads not powder) (unvetted article)
Saffron cures mild to moderate postpartum depression (other things in this list would likely work too)

Helminth therapy (intestinal symbiotic worms) have been shown to provide great benefits.
(See google drive)
HDC (rat tapeworm) is effective (90%) NA and TTO are not. (small study)
Another study showed some benefit to mood (using NA). With additional benefits from NA to metabolic issues (but I think randomization was done poorly (not a clear result)) (perhaps worth looking at some other studies referenced in the study on the topic)
(See drive helminth)

Forbidden likely effective medicines

A single dose of 25mg of psilocybin mushrooms combined with talk therapy given to treatment resistant depressed people led to a 37% reduction in symptoms at week 3. (Don't recommend)

Cutting out or cutting down interactions with as many negative people as possible and in the remaining interactions drastically reducing or avoiding conversations that bring a negative frame of mind to yourself.

Forcing your face into a smile, tricks your brain into thinking you're happy, making you happier. Also fake laughing may help via the same process. 
Power poses and postures may help compared to defeatist body posture (tony robbins). 

Risk factors 
Females 2x risk 
Age 0.24x (reduction in risk): This data shows older people are much less likely to have a depressive episode. However antidepressant use is higher by age (5.5% men, 10.3% women (18 to 39), 8.4% men, 10.3% women (40 to 59), 12.8% men, 24.3% women (60 and over) (data: retrieved Mar 1, 2024).
About 21% (3X) of people with a substance use disorder also experience depression
(See here for tips for stopping) 
Medical illnesses are linked to depression: heart disease 2X, cancer 4X, schizophrenia 4X 
Normally 8% depressed, but the pandemic increased this to 24% 
What it is?
Higher brain inflammation leads to depression 
Depressed people are more likely to develop other health issues (and other health issues lead to depression)
(Do not want to be a "victim", instead try to practice positive visualization)
Depression enlarges the part of the brain that processes negative information causing you to think more negatively and further enlarging it.

Feeling powerless or like you have little or no self agency can lead to depression.

Depression can signify the loss of something important. Therefore working towards gaining something important may help.

Another possible—pyroluria 70% of depressed people may have this, check the links!

4.46x increased depression risk if you get fat at puberty

Diabetics have 2x depression which lasts 4x longer when it starts (Chris Palmer)
Depressed people are more likely to get worse diabetes (bidirectional relationship)
Cardiovascular disease is also bidirectional with mental illness
Mental illness is a metabolic disorder
Lactate is higher (not using mitochondria for energy) (lactate can cause panic attacks)

Hormonal birth control may be linked to depression and suicide (birth control also may be linked to better mental health)
Copper IUD best (?) (Mikaila Peterson, Sarah E. Hill) (Women 19 and younger who go on hormonal birth control while their body and brain are still developing have greater rates of anxiety and depression throughout their lives (1.8x increased risk of using antidepressants (this number is not the throughout lives number, it was young women only (need extended age effect sizes)), vastly less effects going on after puberty (0% increased risk of going on antidepressants) (hormonal birth control hurts a womens microbiome?) 
(26% stop using a copper IUD after 39 weeks (pain 9.1%, bleeding 5.4%, spotting 1.9% (effects don't seem to get much better with time (a little better after 9 weeks 20% relative difference))
(11% discontinued the pill for medical reasons, another 12% for non-medical reasons, 6% wanted to get pregnant, 35% discontinued after 1 year (in total)) (70% take the pill for reasons outside pregnancy prevention)
There are large variations between different women on benefits and drawbacks of different forms of BC
Who you're attracted to can change while on hormonal pills (like less masculine guys)
40% college age girls are on the pill
Hormonal pills are patented modified hormones and have greater side effects than bioidentical hormones that your body better understands (unsure if these could be used as BC though (most practitioners think bioidentical hormones are inferior in this case to synthetic versions))
Hormonal BC makes you stuck in one mind space (latter cycle mind phase, more work oriented less beautiful feeling (low estrogen state)), instead of experiencing more variations when hormones naturally fluctuate. However periods are easier on hormonal BC.
The symptothermal method can also be used to detect the 6 days per cycle when a woman is fertile
Ginger, or vitamin D3, or calcium, or boron, or dill, or french maritime pine bark, supplementation seems to lower menstrual cramping (also exercise/stretching seems to help):
500mg ginger capsule (once per day) and a 250 mg mefenamic acid capsule (twice per day), or placebo capsule (once per day) and a 250 mg mefenamic acid capsule (twice per day), or 100 IU's vitamin E (once per day) and a 250 mg mefenamic acid capsule (twice per day), or 1,000 mg vitamin D tablet (once per day) and a 250 mg mefenamic acid capsule (twice per day). (5 days of supplementation before/during period)
Ginger: 55% reduction (month 2)
Vitamin D: 26% reduction
Vitamin E: 26% reduction (don’t recommend)
Placebo: 18% reduction
200 university students
1 dose of 300,000 IU vitamin D cholecalciferol, 5 days before next cycle
47% reduction by month 3 vitamin D group
25% reduction by month 3 in the placebo group
College aged women
50,000 IU’s vitamin D once weekly, or placebo (8 week study)
Vitamin D: 54% reduction (month 2)
Placebo: 7% reduction
Women 13 to 40 (with vitamin d deficiency)
1 dose of 300,000 IU vitamin D cholecalciferol, 5 days before next cycle
Vitamin D: 39% reduction (month 2) 
No women in the vitamin D group took an NSAID
Higher effect size on those with low vitamin D levels
Women aged 18 to 40
Exercise or stretching (30 to 60 minutes, 3 times a week (some studies had no exercise/stretching during the period)) likely reduces menstrual pain by ~35% 
https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD004142.pub4 (meta-analysis) (need to research more)
1000mg calcium carbonate alone or with 5,000 IU vitamin D or placebo. Started day 15 of cycle until menstrual pain disappearance in the following cycle.
Calcium plus vitamin D: 26% reduction (month 3)
Calcium alone: 43% reduction
Placebo 2% reduction
85 university students
600mg calcium carbonate with 300mg magnesium stearate, or just 600mg calcium carbonate, or placebo (from 15th day of the cycle till the following cycle)
Calcium magnesium: 35% reduction (first two months) (in the other studies the effects increased in month 2 or 3 compared to month 1)
Calcium: 19% reduction (first two months) 
Placebo: 2% reduction
63 university students
Boron 10mg (2 before, 3 days after cycle) 
26% reduction (month 2)
Placebo: 9% reduction
Dill 1000mg every 12 hours (2 days before, 3 days after cycle), 250 mg mefenamic acid, or placebo
Dill: 34% reduction (month 2)
Mefenamic acid: 23% reduction (lower starting score though)
Placebo: 25% reduction
75 university students
Pycnogenol (French maritime pine bark) supplement (60 mg/day), or placebo
Pycnogenol: Large effect size
Deep breathing may also help
Seed cycling may help (?)
I believe I read a study that showed better mental health on BC (unsure if less anxiety about pregnancy or lower estrogen levels were the cause or ?)
I remember reading an article once that suggested it was more socioeconomically advantageous for many lower class women to have their children as early as possible (and then continuously enter the workforce) whereas for other classes it generally made more sense economically to delay pregnancy.
Planned births have half the impact on earnings as unplanned, unplanned pregnancy while in education doubles the negative impact on earnings
Male testosterone levels are higher when interacting with fertile females (this response was higher if the male reported sexual activity in the last 6 months)
Naturally cycling females exhibit a testosterone response to attractive males, and also a greater cortisol response than non-cycling females

Low taurine (an amino acid) in the hippocampus linked to depression in women (women only study)

Master list (I still need to go through this)

David M. Kissen discovered that emotional trauma (unhappy home growing up, adult significant other problems (sometimes other interpersonal relationship problems (non-significant other)), adult work problems), and repressed emotions (2x lung cancer), are strongly associated with cancer and psychosomatic illnesses (psychosomatic illness is an physical illness that might be associated with or effected by or imagined by your mind space (I don't think depression is one, though likely depression leads to physical illness)) (large effect size: unhappy childhood 4x psychosomatic (5x lung cancer), marriage difficulties 2x psychosomatic (3x lung cancer), work upset 34.5% more psychosomatic (2.76x more lung cancer))
(see drive main folder adverse emotional situations kissen) 

Mood decoder (detecting depression) using electrodes (not applicable, maybe in the future)
Brains of depressed patients have a larger 73% larger frontostriatal salience network (a brain region)

B12 might be linked (?)

"It isn’t known how many people fully regain their original genital sensation, libido and other domains of sexual functioning after using a serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Studies which have included six month follow-up after discontinuation of the drug have found evidence of enduring changes to sexual function [24–26]. Bahrick [4] highlighted the results of a study in which 55% of subjects still had sexual dysfunction six months after switching from an SSRI to amineptine (100% had dysfunction at the start, so this represent a 45% decrease in dysfunction 6 months post discontinuation), compared to 4% who were treated solely with amineptine, a drug with no action on the serotonin system [27]."
"Rodents given fluoxetine were found to have sustained desensitisation of 5-HT1A receptors after removal of the drug [28]. In another study, a 5-HT1A antagonist was shown to reverse and prevent sexual dysfunction in rodents that were being administered with fluoxetine [29]. However, PSSD sufferers through online support forums have tried and reported on the effects of all combinations of medicines acting on serotonin and dopamine systems, and medicines known to enhance function such as sildenafil, but without benefit. The problem is again similar to tardive dyskinesia in this respect, in that counter manipulations of systems on which triggering agents work do not seem to remedy the problem."
(Still need to research more)
"The estimates of incidence of sexual dysfunction associated with antidepressants are usually between 30% and 40% (some would claim up to 70%), but the numbers vary widely, from as low as 10% to as high as 90% with some medications"
"The incidence of sexual dysfunction associated with the newer antipsychotics is usually cited as fairly low, 10%–30%, and in some cases even in the single digits."

Depression and dysthymia currently cost the US economy 1.6% of total GDP (2023)

