Originally published: Oct 24, 2022
Updated occasionally

Women are more likely to have inattentive-predominant ADHD than hyperactive-predominant ADHD (which is more prominent in men) (?) (need sources)

Saffron helps ADHD as much as Ritalin (70% reduction) 20 to 30mg saffron capsules per day
Might also have other qualities

Omega 3's
In that study, patients improved their ability to concentrate by an average of over 60% after taking a daily 500-milligram (mg) dose of krill oil (krill oil maybe generally much better than fish oil according to mercola's comparison of the two. Though its not clear if it would be better in this specific case of ADHD) for six months. They also reported a 50% improvement in planning skills and a close to 49% improvement in social skills.

72% of ADHD kids found deficient --- of those who were deficient supplementing led to a 70% improvement (supplementing non-deficient children is not harmful)
Added B6 may increase the helpful effects

Zinc deficiency can cause ADHD, of 43 ADHD children 30.2% had severe zinc deficiency versus 0% of 28 controls
Toren et al. (1996). Zinc deficiency in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 40(12), 1308-1310.
"In a recent study, 70% of the 20 ADHD cases examined were zinc deficient. Those with lower hair zinc levels reported significantly increased symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity (Elbaz et al., 2016)." (see below link)

Gut bacteria can effect ADHD symptoms and responses to treatment
-Clostridium -Candida

2500 children who ate a healthy diet, halves risk of ADHD (see picture)

Walking in nature was just as effective as Ritalin in increasing focus (measured right after 20 minute nature exposure) (measured using digit span backwords score only)

Good sleep helps

A demanding work/life environment seems to alleviate symptoms

Having a dog may help

Hippotherapy (horse therapy) seemed to be as effective as Ritalin 50% reduction (or somewhat better)
(see drive other)

TrueHope nutrient formula helps (about 10%)

Lithium Orotate 1mg a day may help

Phosphatidylserine led to a 30% reduction in children's ADHD symptoms at 200mg a day
