Overcoming PTSD
First Published: Mar 9, 2022
Updated occasionally
MDMA with therapy cured 67% of people (these were people who didn't respond to talk therapy treatment (treatment resistant PTSD patients) (see below (emotional freedom technique))
See drive for more data context:
3 90 minute preparatory sessions to establish a connection between therapist and client followed by 2 8 hour session while taking 30mg or 75mg or 125mg MDMA at the start of the 8 hour session followed by half that dose given again 1.5 to 2 hours into the session, they than stayed the night onsite and recieved phone phone contact for 7 days along with 3 more 90 minute sessions aimed at integrating the experince. Overall, a course of treatment
included 18 h of non-drug psychotherapy and 16–24 h
(2–3 sessions) of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy. 75mg was most effective (more than 125mg and way more than 30mg) (the two sessions were spaced 1 month apart). Results were tested for a month after the last 8 hour session.
(also see drive other folder)
(Note: that 90 to 95% of street MDMA is not actually MDMA)
LSD might be worth trying depending on the severity of your PTSD (note: that it is used alongside psychotherapy).
LSD with exposure to trigger then talking through it has remarkable results in those who don't respond to standard therapy. (LSD has more risks than MDMA)
https://academic.oup.com/ijnp/article/23/6/385/5805249?login=false (Please research more before trying (as i didn't research it thoroughly))
EFT (emotional freedom technique) healed 16 young males of PTSD after only 1 session (of 1 hour)
CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) and EMDR (eye movement desensitizing and reprocessing) had similar effects to EFT (though much less studies done on them).
IES (impact of events score)
https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1534765611426788 (See drive for PDF other folder)Another study had 32% reduction (158 particapants) but the participants weren't chosen for having PTSD symptoms. Worked about 10% better in older patients than younger ones.
Another study in veterans had 48% effectiveness
A meta analysis showed that CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) and EMDR (eye movement desensitizing and reprocessing) had similar effects to EFT.
(see drive)
Inflammation linked to PTSD
Hedges g of -0.68
Could try eating healthier
(see drive other folder)
Doing yoga reduces PTSD symptoms
Hedges g of -0.71 (mindfulness -0.33, meditation -0.37)
(see drive other folder PTSD yoga)
24% to 72% of PTSD risk my be inherited from your genes, (the genetic component of risk is 2 to 3x higher in females than males).
DNA methylation is 6 to 7x higher in those with PTSD (epigenetics (you can likely revert this back (atleast partially))
IBS linked to PTSD
Immune conditions and traumatic stress disorder share similar characteristics at the gene expression level (epigenetics)
Inflammation linked again
Systematic chronic inflammation leading cause of death and disability in the world? Largely related to your exposome (everything you've experienced from pre-natal to now) not genetics (in tests with twins). Living in non-traditional lifestyles has increased chronic inflammation (with current hunter gatherers having less inflammation)
(see drive main folder adverse emotional situations kissen1967)
Orange essential oil may help PTSD sufferers (when exposed to a trigger)
Night time light exposure is linked to mental illness (1.3x increased risk for depression in most exposed quartile vs. least exposed (1.27x self harm, 1.23x anxiety, 1.34x PTSD, 1.21x psychosis)) and daytime light exposure is preventative (0.81x risk of depression in most exposed quartile vs. least exposed (0.76x self harm, 0.82x PTSD, 0.69x psychosis, 0.96x anxiety (not statistically significant))
(also see drive mercola night time)
PTSD memories not retrieved from hippocampus but more vivid in the internal experience region of brain (maybe once the trauma is processed it can be moved to the hippocampus)
Brain/Gut connection to PTSD (paywalled)
Certain bacteria protective, Mediterranean diet protective. (E. eligens)
100% women in the study
https://www.nature.com/articles/s44220-023-00145-6#access-options (need second study)
E. eligens top microbe associated with less visceral fat, and also considered one of the top 15 microbes signalling health (higher levels of polyunsaturated fat and lower insulin secretion in those with more E. eligens)
PTSD cost the US economy 1.1% of total GDP (2018).
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