Less Interesting Info

Less Interesting Info

Antiphycotic with something that stimulates neurogenesis adjunct

(new jan 26 2017 google search)
Another possible adjunct (needs more work)

gene variant with smoking fix
Minerva MIN-101 for schizophrenia. Treats negative phase 3 trials.
Schiz have low GABA

New Anti Phychotic (Intra-Cellular Therapies' ITI-007)  (Alkermes' ALKS-3831 also new like olazapine but less weight gain)

79% genes in twins plus they are working on seeing if twins have different genes

possible new way to stop herditory schizo

(June 19 2018 search)

MRI of baby brain could be used to lower schizophrenia risk in pregnancy

To high methionine could lead to schiz in pregnancy (can move up)

causes of death for schizophrenia

OCT 28, 2018 SEARCH

important signaling protein called G-CSF (granulocyte-colony stimulating factor) may help motivation

children of schizophrenics have cognitive impairments

Jan 11 2019 

common medications reduce schizo hospital admission rates

June 1st 2019 

Glutetheon by brocolli extract (like NAC)

SEP-363856   Drug that also helps negative symptoms Coming Probably

Jan 1st 2020

weight gain and 18 different antychotics. Cholesterol too

estrogen patch helps women 

Pollution increases schizo – Nitrogen dioxide

50% of people falsely diagnosed schizo. Voices and anxiety most common culprits not neceserrily schizo

hair test for schizo – hydrogen sulfide

T gondi also increases dopamine production in the brain (can double levels if highly infected)
1 in 4 people are infected with t Gondi
You can get it from cats, and undercooked pork, lamb, goat, poultry (organic meat actually has higher risk)
Supplementing B12 and Folate (B9) prevents many of the cognitive deficits of T gondi

bacteria infection during pregnancy bad for men

genes 18% 
top 10 vs bottom 10% 4.6x different

Those born blind dont get schiz (can move up)

Less grey matter in thalimus hippocampus amygdala. With biggest risk schizo gene

March 18 2020

Singling protein missing in schizophrenia (new target)

May 8

Lack of lipid that forms myelin sheaths in schizo sphingolipid S1P

SEP 363856 drug shows promise, no side effects, hits the TAAR1 recepter. Not d2 recepter
Schizo have lower math scores than verbal scores

August 4 2020

August 20

Stress 10% increase to schizophrenia from recent stressful life events (can move up)
Association of RecentStressfulLifeEventsWithMental andPhysicalHealthintheContextofGenomic andExposomicLiabilityforSchizophrenia

Nov 7

Nov 25

T. Gondi reduces norepinephrine can cause overactive immune response (can move up)

Dec 22

Gene pathway with an eye for predicting med effectiveness

Excersize lowers schiz risk in at risk mice

feb 26, 2021

Weinberger and his team demonstrated in 2018 roughly a third of the genes associated with schizophrenia were expressed by the placenta during complicated pregnancies

Results showed associations between five baseline variables and real-life functioning at follow-up. These variables were neurocognition with everyday life and work skills, avolition with interpersonal relationships, positive symptoms with work skills and social cognition with work skills and interpersonal functioning.

High methionine effects phychosis 
Google drive

High homocysteine caused by low folate in pregnancy leads to 2x risk of schizo in young adults (can move up)

June 1st, 2021
Fast home blood test for clozapine levels

Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy risk is 4x (61% schiz versus 15% general pop)

The state of interconnected of the brain can effect drug responders from non-responders and shows in a fMRI

dementia risk very high in schizo

Increase in teen girl suicide and mental health visits during covid-19 lockdown 

Aug 23, 2021

mental health of homeless population (alcohol, drugs, schiz, depression)

Early onset schizo have brain differences in prefrontal cortex, hippacampus and cerbelum.

Sept 18. 2021

Nov 27, 2021

Gene for women

Loss of synaptic gain and loss of synaptic inhibition

Jan 6, 2022

New target for drugs (mGlu1) helps negative symptoms, increases that neaurotransmitter

Non-gene area of the genome or dark genome associated with schiz and bi polar

Feb 1, 2022

Alcohol use disorder leads to 4x increase in violent behaviour in schiz, cocaine increases, cannabis does not (PayWalled)

Brain Cell development is abnormal in schiz and majour depression ADHD autism, bipolar

Mar 18, 2022


Apr 16, 2022

Inflammatory bowel disease 4x greater in schiz, 2x higher in those hospitalized more than once a year versus not

Oct 1, 2022

Leaky gut, altered microbiome linked to aggression in schiz (plant based diet can increase aggression)

t gondi effects processing ability in schiz 9%

schiz have greater hearing loss 4x

Anhedonia (lack of pleasure) connected to schizophrenia symptoms and functional ability
Lack of pleasure study of effects of mental health conditions

Intermittent fasting helps Alzheimer's in mice and improves their blood brain barrier 

Misfolded proteins in the brain of schizophrenics (apr 3, 2023)

Apr 29, 2023 

schizophrenics more at-risk from high temperatures (bodies less well heat regulated due to antipsychotics)

Anxiety, depression, distress, increase positive psychotic symptoms

Evenamide for treatment resistant schizophrenia (new potential drug) (works on voltage gated sodium channels (not dopamine))

12 hour rythem of brain effected by schizophrenia

Brain cell death after a psychosis (10x greater than normal) blood test for psychosis

Non-invasive brain stimulation helps (meta analysis) (paywalled)

Largest single gene that leads to schizophrenia (40-fold increase in risk) effects mitochondria (chris palmer correct) (aug 18, 2023)

IBS mental disorders linked genetically

Niacin skin flush response absence in schizophrenics and triglyceride levels are connected
Also see objective tests blog post

[paywalled] check out later (cured by homeopathy)
https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-0042-1756381 (update: found better homeopathy study and linked it in the main article)
