
Originally published May 28, 2022
Updated occasionally

TrueHope brain directed multivitamin cures bipolar (~80%)
(See drive)

Keto (see drive keto schizophrenia) Really helps (58% improvement)

Bipolar list 
Fish oil helps (may help depression)
Inositol (helps with panic attacks for sure)

NAC 2 grams a day (d = 1.04) and a chelated mineral and vitamin formula (d = 1.70)(TrueHope) helped bipolar depression
A chelated mineral formula (d = 0.83)(TrueHope), L-tryptophan (d = 1.47), magnesium (d = 1.44), folic acid (d = 0.40) all helped bipolar mania by that amount
(see drive for more data (meta analysis)) non schiz folder)

Carnivore diet (see drive carnivore) experimental treatment likely helps

Helminths help (HDC) 95% effective, little side effects (sample size was only 5 people) (see drive)

Allergens may be the cause of your bipolar 

Please see the schizophrenia entry for more suggestions (as schizophrenia and bipolar have physiological similarities).

Bipolar currently costs the US economy 1.4% of total GDP (2023)
